Cancer Screening

When should I be screened?

These recommendations are based on a review of current published medical literature. You should discuss individual screening with your personal physician. A more detailed review of the screening process is available in the physician section on this website.

Non-Lynch Lynch
Initial Colonoscopy Age 45 or 10 years before a first degree relative with colon cancer or colon polyps Age 25. Sooner based on family history.
Follow-up Colonoscopy Every 5-10 years based on history. Every 1-5 years based on biopsy results Every 1-2 years until age 39. Every year at age 40
Uterine – Endometrial
Non-Lynch Lynch
Pelvic Examination (medical exam of uterus and ovaries) Every 1-2 years Every year
Endometrial Biopsy (small tissue sample taken from the lining of the uterus) Based on symptoms or examination Every Year starting age 30-35
Ultrasound (scan of the uterus and ovaries) Based on symptoms or examination Every year starting age 30-35
Hysterectomy (removal of uterus) Based on symptoms Consider to prevent in high risk groups
Non-Lynch Lynch
Pelvic Examination Every 1-2 years Every year age 30
Pelvic Ultrasound Per symptoms / exam Yearly age 30. Sooner per exam / symptoms.
Oophorectomy (removal of ovaries) Per symptoms / abnormal examination. Optional if having a hysterectomy. Consider for prevention in high risk groups. Recommended if having a hysterectomy.
Non-Lynch Lynch
EGD (Scope of the esophagus and stomach) Based on symptoms Consider every 1-5 years when a colonoscopy is performed
CAT Scan Based on Symptoms Based on symptoms, but low threshold to order scan
Non-Lynch Lynch
CAT Scan Based on Symptoms Based on Symptoms, but low threshold to order scan
Non-Lynch Lynch
UA (Urinalysis or a test of the urine) Based on symptoms or with a routine physical Every year from age 25
CAT Scan Based on Symptoms or labs Based on symptoms or labs with a low threshold to order scan