Thank You For Your Donation!
After review you will receive an individualized tax letter for your donation. Your donation will help fund our efforts to raise awareness about Lynch syndrome. While there are almost 1.2 million people in the United States with Lynch syndrome, 95% do not know they have it.
Your funds will also help educate health care providers. While certain groups of physicians are aware of Lynch syndrome, it is important that all physicians, regardless of their specialty know about Lynch due to its ability to cause cancers throughout the body. Last year we began an outreach effort to the allied health providers. We had educational booths at the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant annual conferences. These educational events are essential to help find the majority of people with Lynch syndrome that are still undiagnosed.
The Colon Cancer Alliance for Research and Education for Lynch Syndrome is an approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for tax purposes.
Employer Matching
Many companies also have employee gift matching programs. Check with your company and see if you can enhance your donation.
Thank you for your generosity!